When I heard about Brooklyn Skye's blog tour, I jumped at the chance to participate. As a YA reader and writer, I was curious about New Adult, an emerging genre the covers the college years and young professional years, the gap between YA and Adult literature. I've read a few NA titles so far, and STRIPPED is my favorite, hands down. For those who have followed the book reviews on my blog in the past, you know I use belts instead of stars. (Black belt = 5 stars, Brown belt 4-4.5 stars etc.) So where does STRIPPED rank? Brown belt. And for those interested in the NA or looking for a well-written romance, I'd definitely recommend it. Below you'll find my review, my interview with Brooklyn Skye, and a chance to enter the STRIPPED Blog Tour Giveaway. Also, please feel free to check out the other stops of the tour!
Released: May 14, 2013
Purchase: Amazon
Synopsis via Goodreads:
“I like you.” His voice is low and soft, which I don’t deserve. I look away, down the rutted parking lot.
“Don’t... waste those words on me.”
He touches my cheek. “You just need someone to show you.”
“No.” I ease back again. “I don’t. So please, Torrin, stop trying to swoop in and save me. I don’t need
freshman Quinn Montgomery will do anything to avoid the mistake her
sister made—killing herself over a boy. But when she is forced into nude
modeling at a local college to support her family after a bankruptcy,
she begins to crack, just enough to let Torrin, the university’s top
varsity oarsman, see that the real Quinn is not as feisty and
unapproachable as she wants everyone to think.
But letting someone in comes at a steep cost and, it turns out, Torrin
is connected to Quinn’s family in more ways than she could ever imagine.
The Review:
College freshman, Quinn Montgomery, has a lot on her plate. Her sister recently committed suicide and her father lost his job as the result of a rather public scandal. When Quinn's parents tell her they can't help cover all of her tuition, Quinn gets a job as a nude model at another local college, the one her fired used to work at no less.
Quinn walks out of her first session. Something about that made her real to me. She's a strong girl, but conflicted. At this point, I was in. I wanted to read more. Enter Torrin, the swoon-worthy oarsmen Quinn meets while waiting for the bus.
I enjoyed the connection between Quinn and Torrin. It wasn't insta-love. In fact, Quinn is a wonderful mixture of snarky, witty, stubborn, and vulnerable, a very interesting narrator, and Torrin likes her for it. There were many moments when their relationship reminded me of the saying, "Love isn't about being perfect. It's about being perfect for each other." Quinn isn't perfect. She's complicated, mature and naive at the same time, and as a reader, I found my self oscillating between rooting for her and shaking my head, thinking "You did not just say that." Personally, I enjoyed the complexity and found Quinn's inner dialogue entertaining, but I could also see how some readers might get frustrated with her.
As for Torrin, well he's basically the stereotypical dream guy: hot, athletic, understanding, kind, but he has a secret too. I won't give the twist away, but I will say I enjoyed it and hope to read more about Quinn and Torrin in the future.
Lastly, a note about the writing. I loved how the author captured Quinn's attitude. The description was well-done and the scenes were well-paced. Some of the romantic scenes were a bit trite, but not enough to be too off-putting.
And Without Further Ado...The Interview!
I love that Quinn is
both stubborn and guarded because of her life’s circumstances, yet like most
college students, especially freshmen, she is trying to figure out who she is.
What do you hope readers will take away from Quinn as a narrator?
Some of my beta readers left comments like
‘Quinn is not right in the head,’ which is exactly what I was going for. The
girl has been through a lot and the culmination of these events has
significantly skewed her thoughts. On the flipside, Quinn is still just a girl
trying to figure things out and I hope readers will be able to connect with
that side of her too.
New Adult is an
emerging category that bridges the gap between young adult and adult
literature. What drew you to making Quinn a college student rather than say a
high school senior?
When I wrote
STRIPPED three years ago, I had the idea of a college girl doing something
extreme to pay for her education. About halfway through the draft—after a bit
of market research—I discovered college-aged protagonists were sort of a no-no
in the industry. Against my gut feelings of THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK, I
changed Quinn to a high school senior. Once the draft was done, I hated it.
Quinn was not supposed to be in high school and the YA voice just wasn’t
working for me in this story. So I set it aside for two years and worked on a
few other projects. About six months ago, I decided to pick the draft back up
and rewrite it the way I had intended. About that same time, the New Adult
category was starting to emerge and several books were popping up on the
Best-Selling lists which gave me a little more encouragement to go with my gut.
What would you say
was your biggest challenge while writing Stripped?
At first it was the category issue, but once I decided to write it as
New Adult the biggest challenge then was to make Quinn relatable. She’s not
very nice—especially to Torrin—which makes her pretty unlikeable. I didn’t want
to soften her in that sense, so I had to make sure readers could connect with
Quinn and at the very least understand why she was that way. I’ve had an
amazing reaction from readers thus far with comments like:
“Quinn's sassy, stand-offish approach is hilarious.”
“I really found myself lost in Quinn's story, and also saw a
little bit of myself in her when I was that age.”
“I loved Quinn. Her fear and devastation due to different
types of loss are genuine.”
“I laughed and cried with Quinn on her journey through a
very heart wrenching time in her life.”
“Quinn is a real, down to earth character, that is not afraid
to speak her mind, and that's what I love about her.”
Of course there were
others who didn’t connect with Quinn…which is fine too. Can’t please everyone
What are you writing
now? Will we be seeing any more of Quinn and Torrin soon?
Currently, I’m working on a novella that
continues Quinn and Torrin’s story. When STRIPPED debuted, I received an
overwhelming surge of people wanting more, requesting an epilogue and asking if
I was writing a sequel. While I had originally planned for STRIPPED to be
single-title, I decided to go ahead and write a novella that continues in
Torrin’s point of view. WITHOUT YOU will release October 8th.
I’m also planning a
companion novel to give Nikki her own story to be released Spring 2014.
Please talk a little
bit about your journey to publication. What was the biggest lesson you learned?
Do you have any tips for your fellow writers? Anything you wish you’d done
My journey isn’t very
conventional, but then again are any of ours? The story of how I got my agent
can be found in my interview with Writer’s Digest (http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/how-i-got-my-agent-nicole-steinhaus). The biggest question I get is why did I
release STRIPPED myself when I work for a publisher and have an agent? Truth
is, it was just a gut feeling I had. Being tied to the publishing industry, I
knew New Adult books getting contracts were few and far between. I also knew
several self-published authors were doing just fine without them. Would I
change anything? To be honest, I don’t think I would. I’m very pleased with how
well STRIPPED was received and the support I’ve been blessed with amongst the
writing community. My biggest tip for authors is do what feels right for you,
and don’t judge others if their decisions vary from yours. I’ve witnessed—and
been the topic of—some very heated discussions revolving choices in publishing,
and I think people need to focus more on themselves and their craft and not
worry so much about what others choose to do.
Thank you for having

You can find STRIPPED on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You can
also follow Brooklyn on Twitter or visit
her web site for updates, teasers, and
a Rafflecopter giveaway